Colorado's live music venues are signaling that they are in crisis, and will shine red lights on Tuesday, September 1 starting at 9 p.m.

According to Denver Post's The Know, Colorado's venues, ranging from Empower Field at Mile High in Denver to Fort Collins' Aggie Theatre, are using red lights to draw awareness to #RedAlertRESTART, and the struggle the live-events industry is facing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a recent study, the 'Estimated Losses for Colorado’s Music Industry' starting in April (after 30 days) were 4,236 jobs and over $76 million in sales revenue. Hodi's Half Note in Fort Collins already closed its doors permanently.

The Know said that 'Aggie Theatre, Avogadro’s, Bud Event Center/Ranch, Colorado Room, Comedy Fort, Lincoln Center, The Armory and The Coast' will all be lit up tonight.

'#RedAlertRESTART: the live events we love may never recover from the pandemic, we need to take action! Take 2 minutes to contact your representatives here, and post a red photo of you at your favorite event, too,' the Moxi Theater in Greeley shared on Instagram. More from The Know here.

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