A Special Task Force For Traffic Safety Has Been Created in Fort Collins
If you drive the same stretch of a road enough times you are likely to mentally note a part of the road or an intersection you pay a little extra attention to. These are the areas that a new task force in Fort Collins wants to know about.
The Fort Collins Police Services has impressed me through the years. The dedication to overall safety is one of the reasons. It seems that there is an emphasis on being approachable and in the community.
Drivers that run red lights, stare at their cell phones, and swerve into the other lane and those that speed in town scare the crud out of me. It seems there are more and more of them. Whenever I witness this reckless behavior I always will there to be a cop that saw it all. Maybe with the creation of this new task force, the chance of these people getting caught will increase.
The City of Fort Collins Police Services announced on their Facebook page:
With traffic safety being one of our agency priorities, we have a dedicated unit focused solely on this challenge. The Traffic Enforcement Unit (TEU) is composed of a Sergeant, Corporal, and four officers. Their goal is to reduce fatal and serious injury crashes through enforcement of traffic laws. The TEU utilizes a variety of vehicles and tools to carry out this mission. Officers, photo radar vehicles, and red light cameras all work in collaboration to implement the three "E's" of traffic safety - Enforcement, Education, and Engineering. If there is an area of concern regarding unsafe driving, call our TEU Hotline at (970) 221 6842, and we will work to make it safer

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Gallery Credit: Chris Kelly
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