Sex Interrupts A Tennis Match [Video]
I don't know whether you've noticed yet - but I don't - can't, in fact - watch nor listen to sports broadcasts. All due respect to my friends who live for it. Don't get me wrong: I think athletes are amazing and sports are ingenious. It's just that I am a "doer." Also, I'm not competitive. So, if I'm watching or listening, my thought is "If I wanted in on this, I'd be doing it myself!!" (Again, just one reason I don't own any porn.)
So yes - If you ever hear about sports on the X morning show, you can probably bet your next paycheck that it's because something went terribly, terribly wrong in the world of sports, and it was hilarious. Otherwise, I don't humiliate myself by pretending to know jack about any of it.
Question: How is this announcer so nonchalant about this? At least he got a good line or two in. Hey, kudos. I would've laughed like an eight-year-old.
You do have to be happy for the couple, though. It would be hard to top killin' a little time with your honey... and hearing thousands of people cheering.