Spring is right around the corner in Colorado: Time to break out the shorts and the sanda— nope, snow shovel. Time to get out the snow shovel. Sorry, we got carried away.

We often forget (somehow) that spring in Colorado does mean sunshine and blossoming flowers, but it also means bomb-cyclone-destroyed-all-the-pretty-trees-and killed-the-flowers-again.

Here are five things you should use this spring, because spring is really just extra winter. Let's talk about ice ice, baby. 

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1) Electric Snow Ice Scraper 

Scraping your windshield is THE WORST. Get through it quicker with a heated ice scraper that looks like a personal shaver for your car.

VaygWay, Amazon.com

2) Windshield Snow Cover

OR, forget scraping entirely. Tuck your baby in at night and keep it ice free.

OxGord, Amazon.com

3) Electric Foot Warmer

I know spring is when you want to bring out the flip flops and the open-toed shoes, but that's just not our reality on the days when it snows 18 inches and we can't go anywhere. I didn't know this was a thing, but I want to stick my feet in it.

Wenje, Amazon.com

4) Dog Boots
Don't just think about your feet though. You get to go to the bathroom inside. Three words: Dog. Snow. Boots.

URBEST, Amazon.com

5) Giant Jenga

Why is giant Jenga on here? Because there will be a few really nice 70-degree days before we get a blizzard, so here's giant outdoor Jenga.

EasyGoProducts, Amazon.com

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