4 Apps You’re Likely to Find on Colorado Phones
Are any of these on your phone?
Chances are, you're reading this on your phone. Am I right? Don't worry, I'm not judging.
We're all addicted to our phones, whether we want to admit it or not.
I see it all the time. People waiting in line at the grocery store, sitting alone at the park, even some while driving (very dangerous, by the way)... we're all staring at our phones. I've actually tried to challenge myself to not look at my phone during any spare moment in my day.
Spoiler alert: it's not easy.
Our phones keep us connected, informed and entertained. What's so bad about that? And in today's world, it seems like we have to have our phones with us at all times. There is pretty much an app for everything. It's why we have so many of them downloaded.
Which apps would you consider staples?
These are the apps that you can't live without. They're probably the ones that help you take care of you. This can be your social apps keeping you plugged in, your fitness apps keeping you health goals in check, or even your dating apps keeping your love life in the game.
Recently, we found a list of the most popular apps in our state.
They determined which app we search for the most. And then they broke it down into a few other popular categories... Dating apps, fitness apps, and football apps.
Here's what they found for Colorado: