Gundy’s Nickelback Experience And Other Bands You Could Hate Just As Much
Theyyyyy're baaaaack! Nickelback has announced a new single coming out next month, and they've signed on to do their ninth studio album. So there's that.
Okay, I admit it: I was a Nickelback fan in the super early 2000s. They were still a little cutting-edge, they sounded good loud... 'nuff said.
By the time I got some (free) tickets to see them at Fiddler's Green, the Nickelback hate wave had taken off, but being someone who always tries to think for himself, I went anyway. I suppose the actual show was quality, but two problems, one of which wasn't their fault: 1) WAY too quiet... but that's Fiddler's on a week night, and 2) Chad Kroeger is one of those lead singers who spends as much time yelling, sh**-talking, and dropping F-bombs for no apparent reason, as he does singing, thus elevating the questionability of ballads like "If Everyone Cared" (a song I appreciate. So sue me.) I have been to speed metal shows where the singers acted with more dignity than this guy, so this was weird.
I literally felt myself become a little more of a douchebag that night. Thankfully, that was years ago, and I like to think I've made a full recovery.
Oh - geez - I almost forgot why you came here! The Houston Press wrote an article outlining 10 bands you should hate instead of Nickelback, and here are a few of our favorites from that article:
10 Bands You Should Hate Instead of Nickelback, According To The Houston Press
(I have to agree with their #2, #7, and probably #10, and definitely #1. You can read their full article by clicking the link below)
1. Five Finger Death Punch . . . "They sound like a wood chipper plugged into an amp, and are a general embarrassment to metal."
2. Pitbull . . . "He's always pandering to his audience in the phoniest of ways . . . [and he should] stop reducing people to breasts and underwear, [like when] he raps 'In Lebanon, yeah, the women the bomb.' Seriously?"
3. Kanye West . . . Basically they say it's because hate is Kanye's fuel, and list some lyrics to back that up. But if hate is his FUEL . . . maybe we should just ignore him. I mean, do we want to feed THE KANYE?
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